What Moms Really Want For Christmas!!!
Can we be honest about what Mothers really want for Christmas. Here's a hint!! It isn't bath bombs or perfume! We have enough smelly stuff to last for at least five years from now. Seriously, I have a drawer full of things to make me smell better (is someone trying to tell me something??) My Mother-in-law asked me a few weeks ago what I wanted and I had to chuckle internally. She doesn't want to get me what I want. I want bills paid, the house cleaned, my car fixed... you know the stuff I can't afford myself!! So I got to thinking about my 'grown up Christmas list' and here is what I came up with!
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1. A Clean house on Christmas morning. FOR REAL. And not the one I stayed up until 2 am cleaning myself on Christmas Eve. Floors free of toys, trash cans empty waiting for the discards of Christmas breakfast. Clean enough I don't have to stage my facebook photos blocking out the pile of laundry in the corner!
2. This goes with number 1 but I want a sink free of dishes. Oh and a dishwasher that is empty!! I loathe waking up to dishes to do. Christmas morning I usually have to prepare a turkey so having the kitchen cook ready is so important.
3. This should go without saying but a healthy family. I mean really if your child has some sort of coughing, snotty, disgusting grossness keep them home the 10 days leading up to Christmas. Don't take them to Santa so they can spread all their plague with my family (who will only wake up sick on Christmas morning.) Don't take them to target while you pick up a cart full of things you probably don't need. I want NO trips to the ER or Urgent care for strep, or pink eye (yes, both have happened on Christmas day!!!) Seriously, give that child some elderberry syrup and put them to bed! Keep the germs in your own home!
4. Help with the shopping and wrapping. My hubs is great with the shopping but up until recent years he would leave me with piles of stuff to wrap (even a small amount of gifts it adds up with four of them!!) I know he is busy working hard but I loathe wrapping alone. (Hopefully he reads this and we make a 'date' of wrapping like we have the past 2 years - after 20 years of marriage he has figured out I like wrapping together!)
5. A Nap! On Christmas day after the presents are opened and the toys are already broken I want to sleep. The turkey can cook while I nap but I want to stay in my PJS and blissfully snore away while everyone is busy with their new things. Think of the days leading up to Christmas as my busy season and now it is time for some relaxation! I promise to make you some dinner but fend for yourselves on snacks for lunch and let this MOMMA SLEEP!!
6. No fighting. This isn't a big deal with big kids but littles tend to be over tired and over sugared. Usually they fight over their new loot. This year NO FIGHTING. Enjoy what you got, be thankful.
7. Family photos. It doesn't have to be with a professional photographer. It can be by the tree Christmas morning. But please for the LOVE OF JESUS look at the camera and smile! Don't look away, don't be distracted by the wrapped presents mound behind you. Don't make Momma scream. Don't make me cry and whine and say, " I just want one nice picture!"
8. This might just be me but I want one night I can sit by the tree with a warm drink and the lights twinkling. I love that quiet time. I might read or I might take the time to tell Jesus I'm thankful for all He has done. You might think I'm snoozing but I promise I'm not! I really do enjoy that peaceful time with some Christmas music playing. It is my favorite thing to do each holiday season. So go to bed when I put you to bed, let me have a moment, please!!
What is your grown up Christmas list?
So while those are all the "things" I want... I have a gift I would like to give myself. Less hustle and bustle and more enjoying the season. More Jesus, more family and more friends. I'm going to try to not do ALL.THE.THINGS. To not burn out before December 24th! I love cookie baking, caroling, visits to Santa, Our Elf visiting, holiday movies, Christmas movies and driving around looking at the lights. It is hard to slow down and enjoy the moments. I want to be sure I'm spending time with Jesus and not just in the season, after all Jesus is the reason for the season!
What is your gift to yourself this year?
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