What is a 3 Drawer Workbox System?

I’m answering all of your FAQs on the 3 Drawer Workbox System in this blog post! Read on to find out all the details of how to set up this system, who it works best for, what the goal is, and why you need one!
A little background:
A few days ago I posted this video on Tik Tok. Do you follow me on there? It started off as something fun to share tips on but I’m actually really enjoying sharing information through videos on Tik Tok and Reels. Click here to follow me!
I was shocked at how many special education teachers didn’t know about using a 3 drawer workbox system. So I am going to answer some of the most frequently asked questions here.
The 3 drawer workbox system is a structured work system that utilizes a three drawer bin with 1, 2, and 3 labels. Students remove the number label, open the drawer, and do the work that is inside of the drawer. Once students complete the three tasks, they receive their reward or preferred activity.
Download the Free 3 Drawer Workbox System Labels here.
What do you put inside the drawers?
This depends on the student’s goals, the type of classroom, and the student’s abilities! The best part is this is easy to customize and differentiate for each and every student on your caseload. You can put taskboxes, clip cards, worksheets, file folders, adapted books, or even put in boxes inside the drawers. It’s completely up to the student’s individual needs!
Should the work be challenging?
This system focuses on INDEPENDENCE. You want to use activities and materials that the student is completely accurately, and work on the next step-completing them independently- with this system.

What ages is this appropriate for?
This is appropriate for all ages. I have used this in preschool all the way up to high school. All self-contained classroom should have the goal of finishing work independently and this is a fantastic system to do so with!

Do I have to have 12 of these if I have 12 students?
NO! I only ever had 1 or 2 of these setups in my classroom depending on caseload and physical classroom size. This is a great center for students to rotate through and the drawers can be customized for each student.
Can you show some activities that you put inside?
Of course, these pictures show just a few types of activities that work inside a 3 drawer workbox system. Anything that fits is a go in my book!

Why are structured work systems important?
Structured work systems, when executed correctly, free up your staff members. They also allow students to show off their mastered skills – as structured work systems should always be materials that the students know. Additionally, these systems allow our students, who can become quite prompt/adult dependent to work independently for some time throughout the day – which is a necessary skill for our students to have. Finally, structured work systems allow for continued practice of mastered skills to ensure the student retains the information they have learned previously. It’s a win for everyone.

Is this the only type of structured work system?
No! In my classroom I used both the 3 Drawer Workbox System, and a Task box Shelf. You can read more about that here. You can find those labels here.

Where can I find the bin?
I always purchased my bins at walmart for around $20.00. I also see them on amazon here (in a two pack) for a similar price. (affiliate link) DO NOT INSTALL THE WHEELS… trust me on this one.
Download the Free 3 Drawer Workbox System Labels here.

Do you have anymore questions to add to the list? Leave them in the comments so I can add them!

The post What is a 3 Drawer Workbox System? appeared first on Simply Special Ed.