Spring Cleaning
Now that we’ve got through winter and are ready to embrace the spring months, it’s the perfect time to give your kitchen a really good spring clean. It’s the one room, along with the bathroom, that definitely needs regular deep cleaning so use March as your springboard – literally – for flinging the windows open and getting down and dirty with all that ground-in grime.
VAX SpotWash Spot Cleaner
To begin, gather all your cleaning kit in one place. At the very least you’ll need dry, clean cloths and non-abrasive sponges, a bucket or bowl of hot water, rubber gloves, spray bottles containing your own homemade cleaning solutions or eco-friendly refills as well as a caddy to carry everything around in. Nookary is a great source of planet-friendly refills and their products smell amazing. The range of probiotic cleaning products includes an all-purpose cleaner, cleaning bundle and starter kit for gentle yet effective cleaning.
nookary probiotic all-purpose cleaner and refill
Take everything off the worksurfaces, island, table and so on, as well as windowsills, and give it all a thorough clean. Next, tackle the skirting boards and floor. The VAX SpotWash Spot Cleaner is ideal for kitchens, as well as all around the home, as it combines powerful suction and deep hygienic cleaning tools with a specially formulated cleaning solution to target everyday stains. It’s slim and compact so you can pop it in the cupboard under the sink after use and always have it to hand for those emergency and everyday spills.
VAX SpotWash Spot Cleaner
VAX also has its Blade 5 dual pet and car cordless vacuum, which has 90 minutes of runtime on a single charge and comes with new VersaClean technology made up of two brushbars that tackle both carpets and hard floors, as well as CleanControl for real-time display and high performance cleaning. Use for the kitchen floor, worksurfaces, islands and tables
VAX Blade 5
Once you’ve cleaned the floor and skirting boards, remove any cobwebs from walls and ceiling, clean the windows then start on the cupboards. Empty everything out and check use-by dates on food. Clean the cabinets and drawers inside and out then have a good think about what you want to put back in. This goes for crockery, cookware and everything else that’s taking up space. Eco-friendly products will ensure you don’t leave any nasty chemical odours. Give the sink and tap a good scrub and disinfect thoroughly, too. Purdy & Figg and Clean Living both have lots of lovely products to choose from.
Now you can move on to the appliances. Clean the inside of the oven with a homemade solution of equal amounts of baking soda and white vinegar or mix lemon juice with salt and rub into greasy areas. Leave for a few hours before wiping with a clean, damp cloth. While you’re waiting, remove the oven racks and soak in hot soapy water. Next, clean the hob with a non-abrasive pad and a little water, empty the fridge and freezer and wipe the inside with a clean soft cloth dipped in warm water with baking soda or white vinegar. You can also have a go with the VonHaus hand held steam cleaner for chemical-free cleaning
VonHaus steam cleaner
Give laundry appliances a good clean too. Empty and clean the filters and the condenser unit on the tumble dryer. To clean the washing machine, add a solution made for the purpose to the detergent drawer and run on an empty cycle. Clean the back of the door and the rubber seal and don’t forget the dishwasher. Remove and clean the filter then run a hot cycle with a cleaning solution. Once you’re all done, fill the room with the uplifting fragrance of the new Watercolour Skies candle from Yankee Candle.
Yankee Candle’s Watercolour Skies
The post Spring Cleaning appeared first on The Kitchen Think.