My plans for Easter decorations this year has changed completely with the current situation we are in, as probably most of you can relate to. I was hoping to buy some new decor since this is the first proper Easter in our new home after it was finished, but now I can’t which is totally fine. So instead, I decided to be a little creative and use things I could find in my home to at least get a little bit of an Easter feeling. I used linen napkins from Magic Linen which are available in many different colours and wrapped around eggs with a piece of sting which resembles an Easter bunny to create decor for our breakfast table. And if you do not have linen napkins at home, any type of fabric or material can work so get creative. This is what I used and how they turned out:
What do you think? So simple to do and makes the Easter morning table extra nice. And you can also draw a face or write peoples names on the egg as a place-card.
Below you can find a selection of other simple DIY’s you can do depending on what you have in your own home or can get from the grocery store. Hope it can inspire you and help you get a little Easter feeling too!
Bunny Napkins:
^ For another take on bunny ear napkins, I adore this simple yet effective way of folding them as seen on Stylizimo. It goes so well with the beautiful and timeless Royal Copenhagen tableware don’t you think? She has shared a link to a video that shows you how you can make it yourself, click here to find it and try.
Spring terrarium:
^ I love this simple idea from Burkatron of making a spring centrepiece for your table with what you have at hand. Find a clear vase or bowl from your kitchen and use either branches and greenery from your garden or fake ones you might have around your home. And you can add little decor pieces inside too to make it more personalised and fun. Find the step by step DIY here.
Marbled eggs:
^ If you have paint, a classic painted egg can be nice. But if you don’t, this creative way of creating a more modern take on a decorated egg from Homey Oh My uses an ingredient you might have in your kitchen or at least can get in your local grocery store: food dye! It means it is food safe too so you can serve these eggs after making them. You can use any colour you prefer to create the marbling pattern, and find out how to do it here. These are great for table decor or to hang from branches in a vase.
Natural eggs:
^ If you do not have food dye at hand, then this is a really nice and super simple idea. Rebecca from A Daily Something shared how you can easily decorate eggs by using natural elements, and I love how they turned out. She used wooden eggs which is great at they do not crack, but since you might not have that yourself regular eggs will work fine too. Go foraging in your garden or any nearby nature to find small blooms, greens or even use fresh herbs. Find all information here.
Paper napkin eggs:
^ Another creative and very beautiful way to decorate eggs is this version found on Purely Katie: she has used paper napkins to give her eggs a porcelain china look! Many of us have a stack of napkins left in a drawer – maybe you have saved the last one of the pack which never got used and this is a great way to give it new life. Learn how to here.
Bunny biscuits:
^ Easter is a great excuse to do some baking, and especially now that most of us have so much time on our hands and staying in. These adorable bunny biscuits around on CosyFoxes will not only taste good, but they can also help to decorate your home whether you have them on your coffee table or use them on a cake. I like the fact that decor is edible, because then there is no need to store it away for next year and have more clutter in your home. She has shared the recipe and steps needed to make these here (it is in German but with the English text on the bottom so just scroll down.)
Bunny ear cake topper:
Talking about baking, whether you are making a cake, cupcakes or any kind of dessert, this simple and decorative bunny ear thyme topper is a simple way to add a touch of Easter in a simplistic way. Take inspiration from the Blondielocks and find out how to make one here.
Small knitted hats:
Many of you might be knitters and have extra yarn laying around, which is perfect for this cute DIY. A great one if you have kids as I am sure they will be so happy to have a little new pom pom friend in the house. Learn how to make this sweet knitted hat for your eggs with MX Living, find the step by step tutorial here. (It is in German but try to google translate or follow the images).
Decorated branches:
^ Lastly, in Scandinavia it is normal to decorate the home with pussy willow branches or other types of branches. They can either be decorated with feathers or hanging eggs on, or simply be put in a vase and displayed as is for a more minimal look. Here in Italy, pussy willow branches are hard to find so I think the simplistic style of this version by Elisabeth Heier is a great option.
Now, time to unwind and enjoy Easter at home in typical Scandinavian style with crime shows on the tv, board games and some nice treats. I won’t be able to have a traditional Norwegian Easter egg this year, which is a cardboard egg full of sweeties inside, but I will be enjoying an Italian chocolate one instead. Sending you a virtual hug!
Happy Easter!
#INSPIRATION #Home #Decor #Diy #Easter