Affordable Organization Containers

This Summer I have been organizing different drawers around the house and getting them under control once and for all. It doesn’t matter how often drawers get purged, if you don’t have dedicated containers for the smaller items your drawers will quickly get out of control again. I wanted to share with you the affordable storage containers I have been using over the past couple of months to get things in order. What I like about these containers in particular are that they come in a number of sizes so you can configure your drawer organization to exactly fit your needs. But most importantly, they’re affordable! We all love an organized drawer, but sometimes the prices for those pretty, clear acrylic containers make it unattainable. The ones I’m using range from $1-$7 a piece. I’ll link to all the containers I used at the bottom of this post.

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Cords + Misc. Electronics Organization

That was a weird title, but you know what I mean. With all the wonderful things electronics and personal devices have brought us over the years they also come with a lot of cords and accessories. When we added built ins to our kitchen nook earlier this year we were blessed with lots of drawers. One of them houses all of our devices when charging. I’m currently working on how to make that drawer more user friendly. The drawer directly below it houses all of the extra charging cords, accessories, and other misc. items that go along with them.

affordable organization containers

The cords we don’t access on the regular are all together with a lid. Items used regularly have their own open compartments. But while like items each have their own container, I’ve found that with multiple people using things in this drawer, unless the container is labeled it will quickly get all jumbled again. Labels just make the world better!

Desk Organization

My girl Izzy loves organization. In fact, she was the one who got me turned onto using these containers in the first place when she wanted to organize the desk in her bedroom.

kid's desk organization
teen's desk organization

The narrow containers are great for all of her colored pens, markers, and her blue light glasses. Her desk drawer isn’t very tall, but if you have one with more height these containers stack really well so you could have an entire second row of storage. The small white containers hold stickers, erasers, and other small electronics she uses regularly.

Under Sink Organization

Now that Izzy is less than a year away from becoming a teenager her hair and skin products and accessories have drastically increased. Keeping things in bins under the sink makes it a lot easier to keep like items grouped together and from knocking over. The largest container in the back holds toilet paper and the lidded one holds a ridiculously large collection of scrunchies. She loves the label maker so we labeled the bins in here.

kid's bathroom organization
under sink affordable organization containers

Another great reason for keeping items under the sink in containers is that our faucets sometimes leak under the cabinets. The containers keep the items from getting wet on the bottom and makes cleaning up any dripped water much easier.

Bathroom Drawer Organization

Izzy was in the bathroom with me the other morning while I was getting ready and said, “Mom, we’ve GOT to do something about your drawers!” She was right. Admittedly I don’t have a large amount of makeup or hair accessories, but the same affordable organization containers made a big difference in my bathroom.

Bathroom drawer organization
makeup drawer organization

I told you I didn’t have very much makeup, but it looks extra sparse when I see it photographed! I think my favorites are those tiny, square white containers. They’re the perfect size for smaller individual makeup items, hair ties, and flossers. And those are flexible so you can squeeze them in tighter spots.

bathroom organization ideas

Since I don’t use hair accessories very often, I grouped all of them together in a larger container with a lid. Now they aren’t get mixed in with other items or sliding all around the back of the drawer.

I’m going to keep working through problematic drawers using these affordable organization containers until we’re all nice and organized. Oh, and I’ll have to keep you updated on what I come up with for our charging drawer for all of our devices!

affordable organization containers

Organization Sources: one // two // three // four // five // six // seven // eight

The post Affordable Organization Containers appeared first on Crazy Wonderful.