Go HERE to get the 2020 Home Planner PDF if you don't have it already – use the code JOY at checkout to get them for $8!
Here's a peek at what we did at our house this week! I honestly didn't feel like I'd done anything, but then realized we've (almost!) celebrated two birthdays in our home, prepped for Easter, finished a ton of design ideas for PPP products for 2021, and goodness, I have made a whole-lotta-food.
Here's what went on . . .
Today I prepped Easter dinner using our Easter Menu Plan (it's free if you'd like to snag yours here)!
Made deviled eggs (and got a little sad honestly . . . my mother-in-law taught me how to make these, and she's now in a nursing home with severe dementia ~ goodness it made me so thankful for all she taught me each holiday!)
(She always did a better job sprinkling the paprika ~ she was a million times more patient than I'll ever be!)
And got in a six mile run at a local nature preserve this morning (I love this little hidden place!)
I'm using the Peloton app (it's free to try for 9o days ~ so far I've used it for outdoor running, HIT workouts and dance workouts, and I'm super impressed. Definitely try it out free if you're looking for a new workout routine)!
And before today (since I feel like I did all the things today!), I'm also still getting used to my hubby working from home (here he is working in the basement ~ it is freezing down there, bless him!)
Yesterday morning Amazon Prime Fresh delivered groceries to my door from Whole Foods one morning at 5:30 AM (this was like Christmas morning for me. Not even kidding.)
And earlier in the week my youngest Reagan and I tried out a ffree hand-lettering class online. (Um, we have a ways to go. Eek.)
I also spent a little more time working on the last of some big PPP projects for 2021 (I can't even wait!) and the freezer meal card menu plan packs are finally are approved and on their way soon (we're hoping they'll ship mid May. If you'd like a free PDF trial and to be first on the list to know, head on over HERE to learn more.)
And. . . the home planner project this week was to organize my kid's clothing ~ thankfully they're pretty organized right now, because that one didn't really get done.
All things considered, it's been a pretty amazing week despite some seriously trying times. (I love my bunch, but getting used to having everyone home all the time is a little busy for my soul who misses a wee bit of quiet space!)
It's not been perfect by any means, but gosh, I'm so thankful for my bunch, my home, my work, and my life. I will never for one second take for granted for God's grace and provision over my family and me.
Praying you're hanging in there with your bunch too. I know this season isn't easy. I'm sad about missing “real life” church and dressing up and especially family tomorrow, even though I'm so incredibly grateful we can meet up with here online. (Our extended family is about to meet up for a family Zoom call, and church is online tomorrow too – how fortunate are we that we can still “meet” even when we can't rally meet?!)
So I still sit here so so thankful each day, and I know that you are too.
Sending hugs, prayers, and a beautiful Easter morning for you.
Christ is risen
He is risen indeed.
In case you haven't joined us yet in this PPP Home Planner group, I highly recommend you checking it out here (goodness, the reviews we have on this planner have been simply amazing, and I love the sweet community we have inside too!) The physical copies of the planners are completely sold out, but we have the digital version still available and I know you will benefit from these lists if you need a little guidance in your home each week.
Head on over HERE to check out the 2020 Home Planner PDF if you're interested in this one. And I'd sure love for you to leave me a comment if you're joining in the fun too (I'm cheering for you!)
Previous Home Planner Weekly Updates from 2020:
How to Clean a Freezer (Home Planner Project Week 1) Organize Under the Kitchen Sink (Home Planner Project Week 2) Organize Your Spice Cabinet (Home Planner Project Week 3) Organize Your Plasticware Containers (Home Planner Project Week 4) Organize Your Cookbooks (Home Planner Project Week 5) Organize Your Junk Drawer & Linen Closet (Home Planner Project Weeks 6 & 7) Organize Your Bath Towels (Home Planner Project Week 8) Organize Master Bedroom Closet (Home Planner Project Week of 3/22)
The post Weekly Update: Home Planner Project Week of 4/5 appeared first on Passionate Penny Pincher.