Oh baby! Getting ready for school and baby!
Here’s what happened this past week:
I mentioned a few weeks ago that Gordon switched over to a new, non-office hours schedule and while all schedules have their perks, this one seems to be perfect for our growing family. It has given us some unexpected, but very much appreciated, down time as a family which I’ll always take! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: if there were to be a job that would just pay my husband to stay home, that would be GREAT. Of course he works, but the hours seem to fit our summer schedule and my tired body.
With this extra time, Gordon and I got to go on a day date! And what did we do? Go to Homegoods of course! Ha! I am trying my hardest to organize our apartment so everything has a place before baby comes. That way, by the time the baby gets here, we can just focus on the baby and not have to worry about much else. We got a ton of clean storage bins and organized several of the kitchen cabinets, organized our one kitchen drawer and cleaned out the fridge and added more clear storage bins. Even in the fridge, everything needs a place. Is this nesting gone into overdrive? Not sure, but it sure makes my psyche so happy. One step closer!
On Thursday, there was a little mini airshow over the Hudson. Gordon was home and was able to take the kids while I stayed home and rested. I wanted to go, but I was so exhausted and sore that I stayed home. My sleep had been so terrible and my body has been in consistent pain, causing my attitude to take a nose dive. So, mama needed a breather to just take her tylenol and lay down on the couch in peace while Gordon picked up my slack, took one for the team and brought Brooke, Blake and Eddie to riverside park to watch the airplanes.
On Friday, my friend Anne, Brooke and I rented a car and went into Westchester to do some serious shopping! My kids needed some back to school clothes and I needed a few items for baby and sometimes ordering it all from Amazon doesn’t yield quite the same results. I really like seeing and feeling what I’ll be buying before I buy it. It was a super fun girls trip that made me miss that former life we once had. Driving a car, going to Target, eating at Cheesecake Factory, browsing Nordstrom, being able to buy whatever I wanted and not have to worry about whether it would fit on my stroller or not. Yeah, my former life. It’s certainly a nice thought. Maybe one day we’ll have a car again and I’ll be able to drive out of the city for a day in suburbia. A girl can dream!
My doctor was out of town on vacation this past week so I saw a new doctor who was wonderful! I kind of wish I had been seeing her all along, that’s how good she is. I know my doctor is completely competent, but this other doctor seemed so much more personable. Maybe I’ll get lucky and she’ll be on call when I go into labor?! A girl can dream.
During this weekly ultrasound, they were checking out baby’s positioning, fluid and heartbeat. I asked to see if baby had hair and there is hair! It didn’t look too long and we’re not sure what color it will be, but the doctor was like “I definitely see hair!” so, that’s fun! Having this baby seems so close yet so far away still. I still have quite the to-do list before baby gets here, but I think the last week and a half after all three kids are in school will be my most productive days yet!
We got invited to a baseball game on Saturday, so after we got back from our girls’ weekend, we went straight to the baseball game. I definitely did not play, but Gordon did and what an all-star he turned out to be! I knew he played growing up and really enjoys the sport, but man oh man he rocked that game. And I will say that the weather was so lovely for a baseball game! 75, sunny and not too humid. Plus, I think both Gordon and I agree that being in central park on a baseball diamond reminds us that we can still *sort of* give our kids portions of that suburban life we sometimes crave. It’s also weird to think that Eddie (and this next baby) won’t know anything but city life.
Even though its different from what Gordon and I grew up with, we have to remind ourselves that it’s still a good life. A great life! …Even if its different than what we imagined. Different isn’t bad, it’s just unfamiliar and different.
Here’s what is coming up this next week:
A few more items on my back to school items list. Mainly a backpack for Blake.
Eddie has some orientations at his preschool that we get to attend later this week! Can’t believe he’s going to be at school three full days this year! Man, is he going to LOVE it.
Brooke has a few sleepovers and playdates this week, really squeezing every ounce of fun into the last week of summer.
Gordon is able to come with me to the next doctor’s appointment tomorrow, so maybe we’ll squeeze in another look at our sweet boy (and his hair!)
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